Books I Want To Read Tag

Hello, Bookworm Buddies! The Books I Want To Read tag is an original book tag created by Jamishelves. When I saw this tag on Paperbacks and Planners, I thought it would be fun to answer these questions and write my first-ever book tag post.

So, without further ado let’s start the tag.

Books I Want To Read Tag

A book that you feel like you need to read because everyone talks about it.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

First book of Books I Want To Read Tag

It became viral on Instagram, and since then, this book has been on my TBR list, but I haven’t read it yet. I think it will be similar to drama, but with mystery as a genre, I’ll have to read it to discover the mystery.

A book that’s really long

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Second book of Books I Want To Read Tag

I wanted to read this ever since I heard about it but seeing how long it is I am a bit intimidated by it. It is 608 pages long, which is rather long for me because the longest book I have read is 350-400 pages long (as you can imagine, I am a beginner compared to others, but I am enjoying this journey).

A book you’ve owned/had on your TBR for too long.

Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Third book of Books I Want To Read Tag

The main reason why this book has been on my TBR for so long is that it is a nonfiction book. I added this book to my TBR due to its praise, but after only 1-2 pages, I am unable to continue reading it.

A book that is “required” reading.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Fourth book of Books I Want To Read Tag

I haven’t read any classics yet and after hearing the praises for this book’s movie, I thought I should read this book but I haven’t read it yet.

A book that intimidates you.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Fifth book of Books I Want To Read Tag

I’m not intimidated by this book but by the entire series(I know I should hide somewhere). I have seen the movies but have yet to read the books. When I start a series, I like to finish it as a whole, which means I won’t pick up another book until I finish this series, this series includes 7 novels, which is a big commitment, so I’m a little scared by it.

A book that you think might be slow.

Deception Point by Dan Brown

Sixth book of Books I Want To Read Tag

It is also 608 pages long, which I believe may make it slow, although I could be wrong.

A book you need to be in the right mood for.

As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson

Seventh book of Books I Want To Read Tag

I particularly like this series’ second book, “Good Girl, Bad Blood”. You can check My review. I decided to begin the final book in this series right after the second one, but after about 100 pages, I lost interest and haven’t read it in 2-3 months. So I think I need to be in the right mood to read it because I have seen many posts on bookstagram praising this book.

A book you’re unsure if you will like.

The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King

Eighth book of Books I Want To Read Tag

I got this book from a book fair. I bought it because the cover was pretty but it is a YA fantasy and I haven’t read any fantasy book yet. That’s why I am unsure if I will like this book.

So that’s all! I had fun answering these questions and feeling pressure, given my long TBR😅. I am not tagging anyone but anyone can do this tag.

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Books I want to read tag.

Let’s Chat!

Do you have any of the books mentioned above on your TBR? How long is too long for you in books? Let me know your answers to these questions. I would love to know that.

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