Review Policy

  1. Acceptance of Review Requests:

At the moment, I am accepting review requests. For the most recent details regarding my review status, please visit my Contact Page.

  1. Accepted Genres:

I will review a variety of genres, depending on how well the synopsis you provide sounds. I don’t have a set list of genres in mind. But I do enjoy reading the following genres in particular:

  • Mystery/Thriller
  • Closed-door Romance
  • Fantasy
  • Mythology

Genres that I do not prefer:

  • Horror
  • Gore

Is your book’s genre not specified above? Kindly reach out to me if you want to discuss it!

  1. Preferred Formats:

I accept books in the following formats:
Paperback or Hardcover copies (Remember, I live in India.)
e-books (compatible with Kindle)

  1. Review Timeline:

Even though I try to review books on time, based on my current job and personal commitments, the timing may change. Please let me know if you have a particular timeframe in mind, and I’ll try my best to work with it.

  1. Review Structure:

I’m making use of the CAWPILE Rating System. G at Book Roast invented this method, and you can see their video for a better understanding by clicking here. On my CAWPILE page, I explain how it works for me.

  1. Honest Reviews:

I promise to provide honest and helpful feedback. I will discuss the aspects of each book that didn’t resonate with me and highlight its excellent aspects.

  1. DNF (Did Not Finish) Policy:

If a book does not pique my attention after obtaining and reading it, I have the right to decline a review. I may or may not inform you about this.

  1. Where Will Be The Reviews Posted:

I share my reviews on my Blog, Instagram and Pinterest.

  1. Additional Features:

Depending on my creativity and mood, you may find book reviews, author interviews, recommendation lists, discussion articles, and several other items here.

  1. Contact Information:

If you would like me to consider your book for review, please visit my Contact Page for submission guidelines. I appreciate detailed information about the book, including the synopsis, genre/subgenre, release date, Trigger warnings and any additional relevant details.

  1. Policy Updates:

I reserve the right to make necessary updates to this review policy. This page is going to be revised with any changes.
Thank you for considering The Tale Treasure for a review. I’m excited to get a chance to read through and discuss your work with my readers.

Chapter Chaser

The Tale Treasure

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